4. Moses & the Exodus:  Learning to Live the Ten Commandments

4. Moses & the Exodus: Learning to Live the Ten Commandments

This is the last in a four-part series about Moses and the Exodus. With Moses and the children of Israel out of Egypt and safely in the wilderness, the time had come for the next phase of this Old Testament prophet’s mission—to lead the people out of spiritual bondage...
2. Moses & the Exodus: Pharaoh and the Plagues of Egypt

2. Moses & the Exodus: Pharaoh and the Plagues of Egypt

This is the second in a four-part series about Moses and the Exodus. Moses’ life can be divided into three 40-year time spans: his early years in Egypt, his sojourn in Midian and his mission as a prophet of God. The first article discussed his early years in Egypt and...
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